On Personal Websites

I came of age on the Internet. Back then, it was the place you’d go to discover yourself —
hyperlink by hyperlink,
chatroom by chatroom,
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Before today’s Internet™ (which tells you who you are by tracking your every move), there once was a collective, generational obsession with creating one’s own Internet Identity, by way of Livejournals, Myspaces, Geocities, etc. There was magic in the equally infinite yet temporal nature of the medium. Creating, destructing, then reconstructing your own little corner-of-the-Net; an eternal evolution of your journey, all on display for the world to follow, before following was even a thing. The Internet is where I grew up. It’s where I bought my first guitar and rented my first apartment. It’s where I Asked Jeeves if Devon Sawa had a girlfriend; learned about punk and emo and hyphy; pirated movies to talk about on first dates;
...learned how to make websites! I’ve been experimenting with music and haircuts and style for decades, and rediscovery is still one of my all-time favorite hobbies. Somewhere along the way, abetted by IG-algobots, TikTok challenges, and endless profiles and subscriptions, we lost our creative fixation with the Personal Website.
So here goes an nth version of jackiengo.com jackiengorenner.com — a tribute to reflecting, resetting, and reimagining; a conflation of work and play, personal and professional, resume and journal. After all, we only get this one timeline — might as well have a bit of fun on it.

p.s. for the curious, here is the previous version of this site (c. 2020), the one before that (c.2014), and one of the very first versions (c. 2010)